Hct: 1.5 for Hct = 35%, 2 for Hct = 25%, 2.5 for Hct = 15%
Marrow damage, early iron deficiency, and decreased erythropoietin production or action may produce anemia of this type.
Marrow damage may be caused by infiltration of the marrow with tumor or fibrosis that crowds out normal erythroid precursors or by the absence of erythroid precursors (aplastic anemia) as a consequence of exposure to drugs, radiation, chemicals, viruses (eg, hepatitis), autoimmune mechanisms, or genetic factors, either hereditary (eg, Fanconi's anemia) or acquired (eg, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria).
Early iron-deficiency anemia (or iron-deficient erythropoiesis) is associated with a decrease in serum ferritin levels (<15 capacity="" elevated="" g="" iron-binding="" moderately="" total="">380 μg/dL), serum iron (SI) level <50 an="" and="" but="" dl="" g="" iron="" of="" saturation="">10%.50>15>
Most cases of aplasia are idiopathic. The tumor or fibrosis that infiltrates the marrow may originate in the marrow (as in leukemia or myelofibrosis) or be secondary to processes originating outside the marrow (as in metastatic cancer or myelophthisis).
Trauma, GI hemorrhage (may be occult) are common causes;less common are genitourinary sources (menorrhagia, gross hematuria), internal bleeding such as intraperitoneal from spleen or organ rupture, retroperitoneal, iliopsoas hemorrhage (eg, in hip fractures).chronic bleeding is associated with iron deficiency, hypochromia, microcytosis.